

The mission of Task Group 7.4, Provisional, was to provide and operate

certain aircraft and to provideweather and other services in support of
Joint Task Force SEVEN during Operation HARDTACK in the spring and sumer

of 1958.

The Group reached a peak strength of 2262.

Although the Group

manned some sixteen different operating sites, the bulk of the people

served on FRED Island at Eniwetok Atoll.

Some thirty-seven (37) Navy

personnel served in Task Group 7.4, Provisional,

All of the remaining

people were members of the United States Air Force.
Planning for the participation of Task Group 7.4, Provisional, in
Op-ration HARDTACK began within the Air Force Special Weapons Center at

Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico early in 1957.

In October of that year

the Task Group and its operating Elements were formally established.


Group personnel began moving into the Forward Area in December and con-

tinued at an ever increasing rate until 15 March 1958 when the Task Group
Headquarters and all its Units and Elements became operational in the

Eniwetok Proving Grounds (EPG).
During the five months that the Task Group participated in sustained
support of HARDTACK, its flying and technical elements participated in 35

nuclear test events.

Of these, 1l took place at Bikini, 22 at Eniwetok,

and 2 at Johnston Island. -

On four occasions it was necessary for the

Group to participate in two events on the same day.

In all, the test

effects and sampler aircraft of the Test Aircraft Unit flew 257 sorties
and 1982hours in direct support of nuclear test operations.
' The Group provided weather reporting, weather reconnaissance, and
weather forecasting services to Joint Task Force SEVEN,

Weather reporting

stations were set up on eight islands ranging in distance from one hundred
to eisht huyndred miles distance from Eniwetok.


Weather reconnaissance

Select target paragraph3