

the delineation of the cumulative dose to the exposed and comparison groups
becomes important.

islands was I

We know that the only remaining nuclide of iodine on both

129 with a half-life of 1.6 x 10’ years (i.e., biologically in- -

The active nuclides have been primarily ce? and sx?9,



impact on the thyroid deserves further study.
A third problem concerns the administration of the program.

During che

last year, the logistic support for the medical program has been marginal to


(Please see enclosures 1

through 16 for details.)

The problems may be-divided into:


Logistic (see enclosures).


Administrative, i-ec., responsibility vs authority for making
substantive changes in the medical program.


(Sec enclosures.17-19).

Fiscal - the budget is now divided between BNL and the PASO

fiscal officers.

Very Little exchange of information is provided.

We would strongly recommend that central funding control and

authority be centralized at BNL.

(See enclosure. 20),

Interagency (DOL) commitments of DOE resources and policy.
(Please see enclosure 23).

These problems, developing, over the Jast year, have greatly hampered the
grovth of the program.

Ina light of the rapidly-evolving political situation

in the Marshall Islands and its impact on the U.S. Congress,
documents are presented for consideration of future plans,

the enclosed



Select target paragraph3