‘p octopi,. and Jangouste (tropte - (Tridacna gigas) {s easily ¢ Although:the climate ._pendanas;:papayas, and p or bananatrees. wild bud? _ cause-the ‘natives failed to. teame,: and. There were-no breadfrus ver, it was notidentified, bow tual There were approxim ” with varioussea foods, chi an ently. - Eage ee ‘eaten raw. ont tripsto'Enialofor eggs. Pat is a nesting planeforterns and considered a great deliog This island is approxims w and ten. C-weeke. old pigs. an There were 12 swine o . Swine were ¢aten only on fe o 1a Tagamet, or renoe:6,-ages 149—154). : Reference 7 ja an exce 4 Ss se 58 Pipe ads ayieee s8r < eta, HR- a and guile. 4 WATER: SUPPLY The main water supplysgt fg 8feet square, with galvan : ns. These were 6 to: cisterns were 4 to 5 feet dequm imately 12 feet deep (Fig weeks prior'to 1 March, the vidual per. day. Sump pools were obsery The water in these was app > ence 8, page 328; and Refex : ; n ‘ weet ' |, each cone-and approx- Oy OF . Wr per indi. ‘ipeldpombd craters. . eng (see Refer- ks ¢ ny : % ..t 2, a ey 74 ery we pity * : te yee ates wieween atinaaa:ee.” fe ee et ene hate ne BLS re he te, SAT a Le 2 PRSg A He et ee teres we wo cae, a “cage wiDawe pipe “lowsain ce or tained about 6 to 10 inches ¢