As a consideration of the infinite doses received from
operation HARDTACK on the various islands, the fallout incidents
were treated separately. This assumes a ‘ackground increase due
to a narticular detonation and the infinite dose received from

that particular event is calculated.

In the cases where an is-

land received fallout on more than one occasion an attempt has
been made to calculate the infinite dose for each fallout
period, These values are then added together to obtain the
total infinite dose received.

It should be remembered that this is an air dose and not

a body dose.

The calculations are based on the following equa-

to tue Empirical Relationship for Fallout Rt=h.t
the expression for the gemma dose in air can be derived as:

Ba= SR, (1-7 4)

Ja= q R,


Da= The gamma dose in air from H+] to a later time t,

Ry is the dose rate at H¥] and can be obtained from the equation
R= f Ry
Where Ry is the dose rate at some time other than H+l and f

is a proportional factor relating the two.


Both f and q can be read from tables and graphs provided for
this purpose.

Select target paragraph3