During the 1958 EARDTACK series at PPG e new type of sempling
was intrcduced to study the Todine-131 concentration in air from
fajlout and to determine the possibility of such sampling in off-site

monitoring for e test series,

The iodine sempling progrem was carried out on the five popur
lated atolls Eniwetok, Wotkho, Ujelang, Utirik and Rongelep, Since
iodine is geseous and is not trappec by filter paper e low volume
air pump was used which pulled eir thrcugk a cartridge filled with
activated charcoal which will collect gaseous iodine, The intake end

of the cartridge also has a iSA filter to collect any iodine that

might have been deposited es particulates and to prevent the other
perticulate activity from entering the charcoal filter,

These cart-

ridges are then ccunted by use of a single channel analyzer and the
iodine concentration extrapolated back to the end of collecticn,
The results of these data have been tabuleted and are attacied,

These data will be studied further to determine pessible correlations between external gamma levels, gross air-borne perticulate
beta, and I-131 levels,

Select target paragraph3