
A film badge survey was carried out on the four

islands (Ujelang, Utirik, Rongelap, and Wotho) where Radsafe
Stations were maintained by PHS personnel (110 JIF-7). This
survey consisted of the setting up of about 15 film badge
stations at various points on the islands. Station Number One
was ‘located at the RadSafe station at the campsite. The other

Stations were placed to give a complete coverage of the islands

and, in particular, the native villages.

The locations of the

stations are recorded in the original data by description as
well as island maps. The film badges were to have been placed
three feet above the ground. However, this was not always
followed, as in the case of Ujelang, where many film badges
were placed six feet above the ground on coconut trees.

2. The film badges at each station were taken up every
four weeks for processing and replaced by new badges. In addition to this, several badges were placed at Station Number One
at start of operations that were to be collected at two-week

intervals and at the end of the series to give a cumulative


3. The doses listed in this summary will tend to be
higher than the actual dosage received on the islands because
of the exposure received from fallout on Elmer just prior to
processing. This is particularly true of the ‘lay badges. For
this reason one should consider the results from the cumulative badges as giving a better representation of the actual
doses received.

4, The complete data are presented in tabular form
accompanying this summary. A brief discussion of the results
will be given here. For specific information one should consult the original data rather than this summary.


5. The results show that each station reported essentially the same dosage as others on the same island. The
* average total station doses rece
anged from about 400 or
on Utirik and Wotho to aboutC@900
Rongelap. The average
total station dose on Ujelang was about 550 mr. The cumulative
dose badges at Stations “umber One gave essentially the same
results as the four-week badges if one considers the situation
outlined in 3 above. The "ten week” and “end of series badges
from Wotho appear to be watermarked, thus accounting for the
abnormally high readings on these badges.





Select target paragraph3