LGEC SUBJ: Request for Insert in the Record, Ilcarings Befere Subcummittee on Lnerpy, Nuclear Proliferetion and Vederul Services, Coimittee on Government Affairs, 6-7 March 1979 both film badges and backup thernoluminescent dosimeters, received to date show the average dose received to have been 0.4 milliren und the highest to have been 8] millirem. The highest dose was received by cne individval and includes 70 millirem received during one time period (usually a month) and 11 during another, The maximun permissible dose is 1,250 millirem per quarter according to accepted standards; so, it is evident that exposures huve been kept to a very low level for those engated on this project. THOMAS P. JEFFER Director for Logistics CY FURN: MAJ Norton, FCZ