‘William J. Stanley, Director/PASO


In conclusion, if it is not already abundantly clear, I am deeply
disturbed by these allegations and take strong exception to them.


believe my work history and job performance for the Department of Energy
speaks for itself.
I have worked well and productively with my peers

and superiors within the Department, with Micronesians from all walks

of life, with Military officials and the DOE contractors - with, of

this most notable and unfortunate exception.


I have expended about as much time and energy on these problems as I
It is difficult, if not
am able without affecting my job performance.
impossible, atthis point to see how I can continue to deat with this
person in a professional manner consistent with the standafds I have

set for myself and those of PASO.


As Dr. Pratt's report has been widely circulated I ask that you allow
this reply to be mad@ available to that same group of persons.

HUB: jhf

Roger Ray, DPO, NV

Harry U. Brown
Program Liaison Officer

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