exposure rates by a factor of two.

expect to receive first-year and

30-year integral doses of 0.2 and

On the basis of these data,

we calculated the integral first-

4.3 rem respectively.

year and 30-year whole body external

actions (cases 3a and 3b) reduce the

gamma~ray doses for each age group

30-year values by a few tenths of

for each living pattern presented in


Table 1.

somewhat if the Phase II houses

The results were then

combined by "folding in" the present
population distribution.


These values would increase

(the next group to be built) were

The effect

constructed within area 2 of Fig. 7

of radioactive decay was included in

(cases 4a and 4b) because of the

the calculation; however,

higher gamma exposure rates


additional reduction in exposure rates

measured in this area.

due to possible weathering,

other hand,


If, on the

the Phase II houses were

or agricultural crop production

built within the interior of

processes was not included.

Bikini Island instead of along the


The results of these calculations

.Shores (cases 5 and 6) we would

and a comparison with appropriate

expect the external dose levels to

recommended guide values are given

increase to about 0.28 rem during the

in Table 4 for each case under

first year and 5.9 rem over 30 years.


Of course,

Table 5 lists the dose variations


cases are only approximations of

between the various age groups for

the expected living patterns, and

each case.

the results should be regarded

expected to spend a- considerable


The minimum external

Because the adults are

‘fraction of their time within the

doses, as we might expect, may be

interior of Bikini Island as well

realized by living on Eneu Island.

as on other islands,

Estimated values,

levels are slightly higher than

including natural

their dose

background, are 0.12 rem during the

those of the children.

first year and 2.9 rem over 30

differences, however, are expected


to be somewhat overestimated

A significant fraction of

The relative

these values is due to exposure

because aging is not considered in

received while visiting other

the calculations.

islands having higher contamination

These doses may be compared with

Future inhabitants of the

the appropriate guide values, given

existing houses along the lagoon

in the title of Table 4, which are

road on Bikini Island (case 2) may

those set forth by the International


Select target paragraph3