155 Eu, and

Lam were expected to

contribute at most a few percent
to the total exposure rates.


pCi/g and 0.06 pCi/g.

AS expected,

the profile samples showed a wide
. range of activity distributions as

was confirmed by Ge(Li) gamma

a function of depth on the two

spectral analyses of several


hundred soil samples collected on

are difficult to: make, the activities

both islands during the June 1975

on Bikini Island usually decreased


with depth in the first few centi-

The detailed results of

Even though generalizations

the soil survey will be published

meters with a relaxation length of

in a subsequent report.

about 5 em (the depth at which the

In summary,

the soil survey included the random

activity is et, or 37% of the surface

collection of two types of soil


samples on each island:

activities were relatively low and

and profile.


Each surface sample

On Eneu Island, the

uniform throughout the full range

consisted of two 15~-cm-deep cores.

of depths sampled.

Profile samples were obtained fron.

data in conjunction with the data of

the sidewall of a trench dug for
the purpose.


On Bikini Island the
and 600, activities

exhibited by the 15-cm-deep core
samples were

41 pCi/g and 0.74 pCi/g,

Using these

Beck et al. vo we estimated the
average 137 Cs and 606, contributions
to the total gamma-ray exposure rates
over the two islands to be 94% and
6%, respectively.

These percentages

respectively; while on Eneu Island,

were assumed to be valid over the

the corresponding values were 2.5

remaining islands of the atoll.-

External Dose Estimation
In addition to the gamma-ray

reasonable selection of possible

exposure rates, we need to consider

conditions that would cover the range

the expected living patterns of the

of doses that could be received by

future inhabitants in order to

any sizeable segment of the popula-

evaluate the external dose problem.


Of course, many uncertainties are

experiences during the Enewetak

inherent in the prediction of
future living patterns.


_ Survey”

These were based upon our

as well as on discussions

with personnel from the Trust

the following cases, shown in

Territory of the Pacific Islands.

Table 1, have been chosen as a

Suggestions have also been solicited


Select target paragraph3