
"Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of
Wastes an

Other Matter.'"'

Published in The Environmental Reporter

by the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. 1973.
P.L. 92-532, Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972.
40 CFR 220 thru 226, EPA Regulations on Transportation for Dumping, —
and Dumping of Materials in Ocean Waters (38 FR 28610, 15 October 1973).

40 CFR 227, EPA Criteria for Evaluation of Permit Applications for
Ocean Dumping (38 FR 28618, 15 October 1973).
LGLS Memo for Record, subject: Meeting on Disposal Criteria for
Enewetak at EPA, dated 9 August 1974.

Letter from Dr. Rowe, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Radiation
Programs, EPA, to Dr. Biles, AEC, dated 17 May 1974.
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), Rehabilitation, Resettlement

of Enewetak Atoll, September 1974.
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Cleanup, Rehabilitation,
Resettlement of Enewetak Atoll, April 1975 (See Tab 6, Volume IV).
LGLS Memo for Record, subject: "Meeting to Discuss Disposal Methods
for Radiological Contaminated and Non Contaminated Materials - Enewetak

Atoll Cleanup - EPA - 24 February 75,' dated 25 February 1975.


Select target paragraph3