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R. E. Hollingsworth


General Manager

Your memorandum of Auguat 1, 1972, delegated AEC coordination respon~

sibility fer the rehabilitation of Buiwetek Atoll te the AGMA.


was our understanding, at the time, that DOS had placed €175,000 in
the HV financial plee fer uee in conducting a radiological survey
at Enivetek this fell. The $125,000 was net included in the DGS
YY 1973 budget and the money was wade available by deletion or
reduction of planned DOS programs. With the assignment of
coordination respousibility te AQHA, DOS fe attexpting to
reprogram these funds back to the original projects.
In conjunction with FV, DOS, and UBER, we have reviewed the Eniwetek
situation and recognise that the AEC will have a responsibility to
provide technical advice and support in radiclegical wattere ta the

federal agency having overall authority.

It appears that additional

funds for DOS and OBER will be required te expand the scope of the

redtological eurvey end to deternine, on an accelerated basis, the

significance of the radiolegical situation at Eniwetek as {t applies
to rehabilitation of the atoll. Areas ef interest includes both foodchain considerations and basic cleanup to acceptable criteria for
exposure to external radiation.

In discussions on Auguat 17, 1972, DOS and WV tdentified the need
for « two-month eurvey scheduled to begin at the end of Septenber
1972. Ie is estimated that about $300,000 will be required for
field oparations in cennection with this survey end an equivalent
amount fer aenalysia of samples taken. A substantial degree of
wacertainty exfiate because of current wiknowns in the level of 20D
logiatie euppert which may be wade avatlable and in the extent to
which AEC and DOD laboratories may support sample analysie on a
nonreimbursable basis.
In addition to the survey and sample analysis, a major effort will
be required to fully evaluate data collected and to exanine biomedical end anvironmental parameters. ‘Totel FY 1973 costae to DOs

for the survey and analysia may approziwete $500,000.

OBER costes

have net yet been identified with precision but should approximate
$200,000 in FY 1973.


Select target paragraph3