Miltenberger to Brown -2- July 2, 1979 Please advise W. Koga and L. Sutton that all material should be shipped from BNL to Honolulu by August 10. The total shipping weight could be in excess of to 3000 lbs with certain parcels exceeding 500 lbs. The shipment will be composed of electronic instruments (1300 lbs), and wind generator equipment (1700 lbs). As details become clear, we will advise you immediately. We also request that preliminary contacts with the Marshallese at Utirik, Rongelap and Ujelang be made to insure their continued cooperation. If the Marshallese have any major conflicts of interest with our proposed trip schedule, please advise us immediately. Thank you for your cooperation in these matters. If we can be of further assistance, please contact eitherN. Greenhouse (FTS 666-4250 or (516) 345-4250), E. Lessard or myself (FTS 666-2503 or (516)345-2503). Sincerely yours, Robert P. RPM/slg Attachments ec: N. Greenhouse E. Lessard T. McCraw H. Pratt 501188 4 Miltenberger