Plutonium Information Meeting continued through Fiscal Year 1975.
The additional efforts and results through April of Fiscal Year 1975
are summarized in this report.


Analyses were completed on 230 samples during the period July 1974April 1975.

Preliminary analysis of the data shows no unusual results.

Results from samples analyzed prior to Fiscal Year 1975 ranged from
background to 105 nCi/m’, whereas results from samples analyzed in
Fiscal Year 1975 ranged from background to 41 nCi/m-.
of plutonium in soil is shown in Fig.

1, 2, and 3.

The distribution

Sampling designed

to close existing gaps in the offsite sample array is continuing.


Analysis of air filters from eight locations in the western United
States is continuing.

Composites of filters collected monthly at

Barstow and quarterly at the other locations from September 1973, to
November 1974, and representing approximately 2,500 nm? of air, are
presently undergoing analysis.

The results will be reported when

To determine ambient levels of plutonium in air around the

NTS with emphasis on selected areas containing fallout from nuclear
tests, plutonium analyses will be routinely performed on composites of
filters, representing approximately 10,000 mn? of air, collected from
Diablo, Lathrop Wells, and Las Vegas, Nevada, beginning with filters

collected in January, 1975.

This study is proposed to begin by the end

of the present calendar year.


Select target paragraph3