
The establishment of permanent grids in one study area of NTS
(Area 11) and two study areas of TTR (Double Track and Clean
Slate 3).

These areas are the most accessible and continuous

sampling would be facilitated.

Each study area would have two separate permanent grids, one for

establishing residency of animals which can then be sacrificed
for radioanalysis, histopathology, or blood sampling and one for
monitoring population densities including reproduction, recruitment, and mortality.

In study areas of low priority in which previous sampling has
been done, the resident animals will be sacrificed to increase
the number of samples for radioanalysis.

Data indicating preferential uptake of Am are interesting in light of
data presented by Fowler and Essington (1974) on Am movement in the

An analysis of Pu and Am in rodent burrows would provide

additional data on availability and uptake of Am in this microhabitat.
Correction of sampling problems is now under consideration.


Select target paragraph3