duodenum were 95.1 and 96.6% for plutonium-238; for plutonium-239,
they were 44.5 and 90.0%.
This study is still in progress, and americium-241 analyses will be
included in all future work.

The major problem at present involves

expediting the sample analyses for transuranium nuclides.



A comparison of the solubilities of biologically incorporated
and inorganic plutonium-238 in an artificial rumen and simulated
gastrointestinal fluids.

The results of the study previously described indicate the
possibility that comparatively very small amounts of plutonium
may be in an organic form, and that the biological availability
may be much greater than that of inorganic forms.

The digestion

of plutonium-contaminated fungal tissue in an artificial rumen
and tn vittro bovine gastrointestinal fluids would provide a
convenient means to compare the biological availability of
biologically incorporated plutonium with inorganic plutonium.
It is proposed that Aspergillus niger be cultured in a medium
containing plutonium-238 nitrate.

The fungal tissue will be

collected and digested in an artificial rumen,


followed by

further digestion in simulated abomasal and intestinal fluids.

Other digestion flasks will contain plutonium-238 nitrate for


The objective of this study is to determine whether organic
binding protects plutonium from being removed from solution by
competing chemical reactions, such as adsorption, formation of
insoluble salts, or polymerization.


Select target paragraph3