from the Area 11 sites at NTS and the Roller Coaster sites at the

Tonopah Test Range (TTR) have undergone radiochemical analysis.
Listed below are some pertinent findings:


e 239-240

Pu and


Am contamination levels varied from sample

to sample collected within a given activity stratum defined by
FIDLER survey instrument.

These variations were of an order of

magnitude attributable to differences in the amounts of resuspendable particulate material superficially entrapped upon plant


The results also indicate that the activity levels

found on vegetation may be attributed largely to superficial
contamination in these aged fallout areas.

Reasonable agreement occurred between the mean activity levels
of plutonium in vegetation and soil samples collected across
different activity strata within each fallout area.

The ratio

of vegetation Pu to soil Pu tended to increase moving out from
higher to lower activity strata.

Results indicate a reasonably constant Pu/Am ratio for vegetation
samples collected from a given fallout area.

This ratio, however,

varied among the separate test events as the result of differ-

ences in the ingrowth of 241 am within the aged fallout source


The Pu/Am ratios were strikingly lower in vegetation samples
than in soil samples from the Roller Coaster sites.

A less

pronounced trend was found in three of six activity strata

sampled in Area 13 and at the Area 11 C and D sites.

The reverse

relationship (i.e., slightly higher ratios in vegetation than in
soil samples) occurred at GMX-5 and Area 11 8B.

The real signifi-

cance of these trends is not yet understood; however, the GMX-5
site had 22 test events, while the other sites each had a single

One possible explanation for the Roller Coaster sites is

that one of the more biologically available ingrowth products,
241an, has moved deeper into the root zone where greater root

uptake has occurred relative to


Results from soil

profile samples should indicate how much movement has occurred.


Select target paragraph3