area around the Roller Coaster events had been mechanically disturbed
for one reason or another shortly after the events.
this profile reflects such mechanical disturbance.
other TTR profiles show similar results.

It appears that
A number of the

Until it can be resolved

whether mechanical disturbance has occurred and, if whether unique
soil properties are responsible for the observed development, this
type of profile cannot properly be interpreted.
Selected soil profile sampling stations will be inspected later this
spring to determine more precisely the soil characteristics with

For instance, gravel layers or clay layers within the sampling

depth could significantly alter the interpretation of many of the

Field notes are lacking in this respect.

6 shows a profile of

235 U and 238
U from Area 11, Site A.

238 U appears to be near natural background.




U, presumably

from the exploded devices, rapidly decreases with depth to more or
less a continuum.

Since natura

l 235

U levels are at least 10-20 times

lower than those found in the 5-25 cm region, one must presume that
device-29> U has migrated downward.

A closer examination of the

physical nature of the sampling site may allow confirmation of this

This interpretation is based on the assumption that U

contained in the device used at Area 11 Site A was predominately


The following recommendations regarding profile sample collection and
processing are made:

When taking profiles, make field notes on any kind of soil
stratification observed.

Also note any evidence of mechanical

disturbance in the immediate location of the profile.
care should be taken to note microdrainage features.



Select target paragraph3