As an indication of the capability of this procedure to produce an
alpha spectrometrically acceptable plate, the spectrum in Fig. 2 is
presented as typical.

This spectrum is one from an actual NAEG

vegetation sample supplied to LASL-H7 by LFE.
relative positions of






The figure shows the

U, and the added




U recoveries found to date on this type of vegetation sample range
from 72-100%. The actual sample represented in the figure contained
300 d/m
Pu; the amount of
Pu found in the U fraction
was 0.16 d/m.

This calculates to a .05% carry-over of 239-2405...

There are several problems yet to be worked out.

For instance, this

procedure with the current alpha spectrometer cannot quantitatively
distinguish between 2354 and 2361
If there is any 2365 to be found
U to 236
in NAEG samples, the ratio of
U must first be determined
by mass spectrometric techniques.
The ratio can then be applied to
the 235-236
U result from alpha spectrometric measurements to quantify

the 239,

A second problem noted is that the plates are not as consistently
clean as with the Pu procedure now in use.

This is due to small

amounts of Ni, Cu, Zn, and Fe present in the column eluate which seem
quite difficult to remove prior to electrodeposition.

However, of

the nearly 100 plates thus far prepared only, 5 were unacceptable.
It should be noted that the alpha spectrum presented in Fig. 2 represents only one resin column cleanup of the sample.

It is believed

that the problem of metal interferences can be adequately handled by
a second column separation of U, and this feature is incorporated
into the tentative procedure.
Laboratory Cross-Calibration
As part of the continuing effort to cross-calibrate the various NAEGassociated laboratories, LASL-H7 circulated a low-level Pu source for
alpha spectrometry.

Each laboratory was asked to report the amount

of 2385, > 239-2405, | and 2425. they found on the plate.

To date, the

source has been assayed by three LASL laboratories and three of the
five NAEG-associated laboratories.

The results (Table 1) show a good

agreement for 2425. but both 239-2405, and 2385. undergo substantial

For the purposes of NAEG soil analysis where there is an


Select target paragraph3