explosives, and are not due to fission reactions.

Because of the

toxicity of the scattered material, however, both from the standpoint of its chemical and radioactive properties, and because its

long half-lives (228pu, 87.4 yrs; 73%Pu, 24,390 yrs; 7*°pu, 6,600


it is essential to prevent Pu from reaching man on both

short- and long-term bases.
“Long-term'' infers that methods essential to prevent Pu from
reaching man should be effective from 10's of years to time periods
bordering the geological time scale.

As to which preventative

methods are chosen to achieve this end,

the final decision must be

predicated on both efficiency and cost, as well as such environmental
parameters as disruption or destruction of the biota in affected
areas and the potential recovery of the areas.
Plutonium's characteristics make it particularly important to
exclude the element from man's food chain, or drinking water, but
most importantly to prevent inhalation of plutonium particulates by
From time to time, a number of theoretical methods have been
proposed for preventing plutonium in contaminated NTS areas from
reaching man or his domestic animals, or animals which contribute
directly or indirectly to his food supply.

Among these proposed

methods are the following:

Scraping and removal of the soil surface from contaminated

This could be accomplished at relatively large expense,

although the methods would likely not be efficient in areas
which have very shallow soils with intermittent rock outcrops.
Removed materials would be stored, presumably,

in locations

not subject to wind, water, or human or animal exposures.
stored areas themselves would,

of necessity,

become exclusion

areas with problems paralleling those of the present with


exception as to localization.



Select target paragraph3