In Row B, the activity for each size fraction is corrected for percent
weight contributed by that fraction.

off to the nearest whole number.

The values have been rounded

The sums of the activity

of Samples

6A, 6B, and 6C are 353, 129, and 189 dpm/g of soil, respectively.
These values may be compared with 296,


and 145 dpm/g, which are

the concentrations based on analysis of the total soil.
values of the analyses are 324,


The mean

and 166 dpm/g, and the largest

standard deviation is 18% for Sample €C.
Row C shows the percentage contribution of each size fraction to the
total soil activity.

The highest contributor is the 53-20 um size


Vegetated Versus Nonvegetated Areas
Formations of sandy mounds at the base of desert shrubbery are common
at NTS.

One characteristic of these mounds is that the portable

field survey instrument



records a higher activity level over

a mound than over the surrounding bare soil.
Site 2 of the north-south transect


The sample taken near

1) was no different.


the mound,

the reading was 35,000 counts per minute (cpm); over the

bare soil,

it was 25,000 cpm.

cm depth.

A noticeable feature was the uniform texture of the sandy

The samples taken represented the 0-5

mound in contrast to the more gravelly nature of the bare nonvegetated

Analysis of the gravel content showed that the bare soil

contained 19.5% gravel by weight of total soil; the mound soil
contained 2.7% gravel by weight of total soil.
The particle size distribution is given in Table 3.

Note that the

percentage distribution is based on the less than 2-mm particles,
which excludes the gravel content.
samples is almost equal (88%);

The total sand content of the two

the mound sample shows a high fine

sand (53-250 um) content as compared with the bare soil.

The plutonium

content, also shown in Table 3, is highest in the medium and in the
coarse silt sizes (5-53 um).

Corrected for the relative abundance of

these particle sizes, the medium and coarse silt sizes contribute 66%
in the bare soil and 81% in the mound soil;

is in the coarse silt size.

in the latter case, 75%

The activity is 3,800 and 2,573 dpm/g in

the bare and mound soils, respectively.

Analyses of 10-g soil samples

Select target paragraph3