and BM = sieved line.

This conclusion is not surprising in view of

the large scatter due to low Pu concentrations. At these low levels,
considerably more data would be required to detect differences between
BM and sieved results.

Some information is also available on plutonium concentrations in
<100 mesh


and >100 mesh fractions of the same soil sample.

The BM fraction can be separated into these two fractions, and if it
were shown that their Pu concentrations were not different,


would cast doubt on the results reported above that sieved and BM
fractions do yield different Pu concentrations.

In Fig. 14, the

logs are plotted for 21 pairs of mean 239-240 Pu concentrations
obtained on <100 and >100 mesh soil fractions of profile samples. The
<100 mesh data are given in Table 4, Library numbers L11617 through
L11637, inclusive.

The mean >100 mesh concentrations for 14 of the

21 samples are given in Column e of Table 8.

The remaining mean

239-2405, results for >100 mesh are given in the footnote on this


In all but three samples (L11625, L11626, and L11637 in Table

8, Columns b and e), the <100 Pu concentration is greater than the
corresponding >100 Pu result for the same sample; i.e., the ratio A/B
(Column k,

Table 8)

is greater than 1.

Some of these ratios are very

large, considerably larger in most cases than the ratio of <100 mesh
to BM fraction (Column 1, Table 8).

This is expected since the BM

fraction contains both the <100 and >100 mesh fractions.

In Figs.

15 and 16 are plotted the available 238 Pu and 241am results for these
same soil samples.

The general conclusions are the same as for the

Pu data.
In all three figures, the estimated 95% confidence
region for Bg and B, does not include 8, = 0, 8; = 1. In other

the <100 mesh concentrations are significantly elevated over

the >100 mesh concentrations,

and the ratio is not constant over the

range of concentrations considered.
What can one tentatively conclude relative to Question 1?

First, for

most data sets investigated, the Pu concentrations in BM fraction
aliquots are not equal to those in <100 mesh aliquots, at least for

"111622, 0.0784; L11627, 3.80; L11628, 0.290; L11629, 2.49; L11632,
1.45; L11633, 0.325; L11634, 0.955.


Units are nCi/g dry.

Select target paragraph3