AN April 25, 1978 SPECIFIC QUESTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE ENEWETAK ADVISORY COMMITTEE Our immediate needs for advice from the committee have been verbalized in telephone conversations between various DOE staff and members of the committee. We understand the committee is asking in turn for all relevant data, and are working to assemble this information. From the committee, answers are needed for the following questions: 1. Prior to the DNA meeting of May 3, 1978, and recognizing the deficiencies and uncertainties in the basic data and other information on transuranics in an Atoll environment, is it possible to develop additional dose-related (lung and bone) cleanup guidance, expressed as concentrations in soil (similar to the 40 and 400 pCi/g), wherein achieving such levels through soil removal on islands at Enewetak Atoll would assure that doses to future residents would not significantly exceed current EPA draft guidelines (a factor of 2 or 3 times these criteria may be acceptable)? If the answer is yes, what degree of cleanup of transuranium elements, expressed in pCi/g, is required to approximate the EPA criteria, and how can such concentrations be applied as averages over an aree for: 3. a. Village islands? b. Agricultural islands? c. Picnic islands? we eee 2. If the answer is no: a, What advice can be given to DNA on May 3rd so their planning and cleanup efforts can procecd? b. What is needed in order to be able to devise additional cleanup guidance that reliably relates soil concentrations of transuranium elements and dose to bone and lung and how long might it take to ere =! yee CARRENE Lee I a8 IPE ae ange If so, under what conditions and to what purpose? we Can plowing be used? gre TE 4, HE get such answers?