
different from that assumed, the same degree of cleanup would
be accomplished so Long as, thetotals for, the, mixtures were

the samé, expressed in units ofradioactivity.

The intent from

the beginning was that all such elements would

be, included

in the measurements of radioactivity’ in soil.

The mista e was 237

Anse $M

oLt Urintale @deteterate


that the language in the AEC,report used. the term plutonium <7,
Poe was Uaed wit Dates betoye ante
T haa

when it showtd‘nese ‘usedt e term transuranitn.,{icwn.
Comments on Item f -

A much greater intake of coconut (about

10 times greater than used earlier) has appeared in a report

prepared by DNA staff.

Comments from DOR to DNA have rraised

serious questions about the validity of such,ote assumption.


are not aware of the status of the report and whether it has «“%
‘been published.
Comments on Item g -

The recommended criteria of 40 and 400

pCi/g intended for use in decisions on cleanup of contaiminated soil
at Enewetak have not been changed or made more stringent.


the EIS soil levels below 40 pCi/gm were judged not to require

This is still our recommendation.

It was recommended |

in the EIS that soils having greater than 400 pCi/gm should be
cleaned up wherever these levels were found.

is is still our

recommendations and the value of 400 pCi/g is ,beine usedfhthe
cleanup of the Aomon crypt.

in between these values

Islands having soil concentrations

(from-40 to 400 pCi/gm) were to be

treated on a case-by-case basis.


DNA requested and received

additional advice on how to make these case-by-case decisions.
DOE provided the following:

Less than 40 pCi/gm - Village Island

Less than 80 pCi/gm - Agricultural Island
Less than 160 pCi/g - Visiting Island
DNA has apparently been satisfied with this.

They have not. re-

‘quested any further advice regarding soil cleanup criteria.


Page 19 - DOE is committed to perform long-term radiological
followup of Enewetak residents and their environment including
monitoring any

effluent from the disposal of contaminated

Select target paragraph3