Pier py Be Ue wee Veeponeee ee gee!
more soil be exicised and some additional islands may
haved to be quarantined indefinitely due to lack of
resources ard time to clean them up.

Dose estimates have switched from averages to consideration
of nos




Recent EPA proposed guidelines ,nore stringent than fle offhe
AEC Task Group, and(Griteria have been made more stringent
in effort to meet EPA guidelines.


Initial Task Group cleanup guidelines considered only


These were later broadened to include all

transuranium elements.

Coconut intake of Enewetak peontté,recent hy estimated to
Bx be 10 times greater than when’ pidn‘Yas developed.


The 40 and 400 picocouries per gram criteria have
been made more stringent.

Comments on Item a-

The only development requiring a modified

solution was the Bikini experience which led DOE to recommend
against planting coconuts on the northeastern islands.


There has m been no other change in land use recommendations

living patterns restrictions from DOE.

This item was


in, comments on Page 9 of the,4 Gn aft, given—ebeve .

Comments on Item b - DOE phiLosophy relative to radiological cleanup and rehabilitation of Enewetak Atoll and recommended radiological criteria for cleanup were fixed with the issuance of the
AEC Task Group report in 1974.

There has been no need for a

Select target paragraph3