
Eberline Instrument Company (EIC) Qualification analyses were completed and data reported to LLL on

2 March 1973.

Notified NVOO to arrange contract with EIC on

7 March 1973.

Pending final contract arrangements, batches of

50-g coral samples will be shipped to EIC for Sr and Pu analyses.
University of Washington, Seattle (uw) -

Analysis of a set of 12 selected fish samples for
2 Pe (is in progress) at UW and MCL.


3 7p, Wen, and

Data will be compared to assure

accurate calibration of tracers, etc.

A progress report will be issued every two weeks.

Sethard al, Aidt

Dr. Richard W. Hofffetf

Associate Division Leader
Radiochemistry Division

RWH smb

Select target paragraph3