
Plus 59 jars of additional dried material (200 g each)
from samples included in the above count.

Initial processing phase complete as of 23 February 1973.

other terrestrial biota (3002 samples to be processed):

Initial processing (LLL)


138 vegetation samples completed.

Seawater (58 samples collected):
Chemical separation (LLL) - total of 58 samples; adding carriers
and tracers, sequential separation of various elements; in process

with a rate of 8-12 samples per week anticipate 6 weeks of additional effort.

Plankton (17 samples collected):

17 samples in process (LLL) - dry, weigh, package.
Core samples (36 samples collected):
Total of 36 collected.

In various stages of processing at LLL.

These are being sectioned into 5-cm slices, dried, ground, and


A total of 165 samples will result from 36 cores.

Air filters (61 samples collected):
High-volume samples gamma counted (LLL) ~- 11 samples.

Wet chemical analysis for 239py (MCL) - 7 (in process).
Remainder will be processed as soon as results are in on
first batch.
Gamma counting, precision Ge(Li) detector spectroscopy:

Select target paragraph3