trend towards measuring more minute effects, or observing events occurring in shorter times, or studying phenomena very remotely from our
ordinary senses of perception places an cxtreme demand on the instru-

mentation process, frequently requiring an elaborate chain of transducers, amplifiers, differentiatcrs, integrators or counters,

On the

other hand, advances in science and engineering have provided many
new materials, devices and techniques, so that a vast array of radically
new types of instruments are now available to accelerate the work of

Furthermore, the instruments of instrument principles

evolved to meet the nceds of one area of science find increasing utilization in quite different area cf scientific activity.

For example,

the electronic tools developed to meet the needs of the physical

scientists are daily finding new applications in medicine and biology."
Mr. Deal followed ani gave a very interesting review of a study
made on the growth and size of andstatistics on the radiation instruments industry,

He describcd the RIA exhibit at the Convention Hall in

Philadelphia at the First International Congress and exhibit of the
Instrument Society of America,

The exhibit was comprised of four booths

and the display emphasized the importance cf instruments to the different atomic energy activities,
eae Continental


Mr, Corsbie previded the committee with a”

statement of research trends for the Civil

Defense “iaison Branch; a statement on Tentative Civil Effects Program
-17 ~«

Select target paragraph3