"The committee voted unanimously to submit the above names to the
General Manager for the consideration of the Commission with the preference to be given in the order named,"
Atomic Ener

Mr, Brown reviewed the probable impact of

Act of 195]
medical program,

the Atomic Energy Act of 195 on the biology and
The acting chairman thanked Mr, Brown for the summary

and said that it is an cxtremely challenging series of responsibilities
that the Congress has placed on the AEC and its staff.

He asked that a

complete copy of the transcript of Mr. Brown's remarks be provided each
member of the committce,

A complete transcript of Mr. Brown's remarks

is attached as Appendix C,

Health Physics Program - Dr, Claus

Dr. Claus opened the discussion of the Health
Physics Program speaking of both the research pro-

gram and the health physics problems,

Two statements concerning the pro-

gram were presented for review,
Dr, Claus stated that the basic biophysical research program requires encouragement.

Weapons testing is expected to continue to demand

much of the time of the Biophysics Branch while the problems associated

with "Gabriel and Sunshine" are increasing in number and scope rather
than diminishing in number,
More attention will be given to bioassay work in plants, animals—
and humans to improve estimates of permissible body burden and exposure


Select target paragraph3