in the appropriate governmental agency,

That everything that is pos-

sible should be done to create a sound public relations basis to make
available training facilities on a wider and better established basis
for those qualified individuals desiring to participate from foreign
countrics as provided in the staff paper reported on by Dr, Dunham
(AEC 761).

With regard to the International Scientific Conference, it

was recommended that it might be wiser to work through scientific
agencies rather than through government channels,

That the problem of

having 1t in the U.S. should be carefully reviewed by the State Depart-=
ment so that the requirements of the McCarran Act might not interfere
With the attendance of foreign scientists,

Saturday = Soptember 18, 195)
Minutes of Meeting Held at AEC

June 25-26, 195)

The Acting Chairman reconvened the meeting

at 9:00 A.M, and presented the draft minutes of

the June meeting for consideration.

The following changes were sug-

Item (1)

Dr, Warren enlarged upon his previous state~

ment as listed on Page e2 of the minutes of the June meeting giving a
list of the research interests of the Armed Forces,

He said that he

though it would be helpful if a list could be obtained of the projects
dealing with the biomedical aspects of atomic energy and the major proj-

ects of the Armed Forces such as at the fustin Center in Texas,
- 12 »


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