From. the experience gained during this operation it is believed that
the completesight-muster at both atolls is no longer an operational necessity.
A muster at the atoll where a shot is scheduled is sufficient to assure safety
of all personnel.

"Evacuation. The extent of personnel evacuation at Eniwetok and Bikini

Atolls depended on the magnitude of the shot. The maximum at Eniwetok
Atoll involved withdrawal of all personnel from the upper islands to Japtan,

_ Parry, and Eniwétok, with a limited number of project personnel permitted

on Aniyaanii.
At Bikini personnel were generally evacuated to Enyu Island; however,

on large shots all personnel (except the arming party, which was located in
Station 70 on Enyu Island) were evacuated aboard ship.

When in a D-i

status, the average evacuation time at Bikini, following the evening weather
briefing, was 5 to 6 hr.
In general, afloat housing at Bikini was assigned as follows:
USS Boxer (CVS-21) ~ Joint Task Force Seven, TG 7.3, TG 7.4, and

TG 7.5 Commanders and Staffs, TG 7.1 Command and Staff Sections, key
scientific personnel, Rad-Safe team, and persons scheduled for early re-entry
and recovery by helicopter. The USS Monticello (LSD-35) was substituted

for the Boxer in July and August, when the Boxer was at Johnston Island.

USNS Ainsworth (TAP-181) - J-1 and J-3 representatives, project personnel, and Holmes and Narver,

Assignment of berthing space (cabin and troop) was as follows:

USS Boxer

USNS Ainsworth
Other ships

Agency Making

Berthing Assignments
J-1 Bikini

Same as above
Representative of

Ship's Captain

When Berthing

Assignments Were Made

Same as above
Upon embarkation

For the Teak and Orange events at Johnston Island, all personnel ex-

cept those required in manned stations ashore were evacuated aboard ship.

The USS Boxer was the primary ship used for evacuation, but there were a
small number of individuals on various project ships. The evacuation procedures used were the same as those at Bikini.

The number of personnel evacuated to ships at Bikini Atoll and Johnston

Island varied with project participation. The peak number ofpersonnel evac
uated was 178 officer grade personnel and 67 enlisted grade personne: ror
the Teak event. Numbers evacuated co ships were substantially (wer cian
would have been required if it had been necessary to operate from ship for
prolonged periods. Except for the carrier, which was badly overcrowded,
billeting facilities afloat were adequate. For Teak and Orange, cots were

placed on the hangar deck of the carrier to handle the overflow of personnel
when all cabin spaces were filled. Utilizing the hangar deck for this purpose is satisfactory for billeting personnel overnight, or for emergencies,

but it would not have been satisfactory if it had been necessary to operate

from afloat for an extended period of time.
Task Groups 7.3 and 7.5 maintained a capability to evacuate all personnel at Eniwetok, Bikini, and Johnston Island aboard vessels in event of

Select target paragraph3