projects were primarily concerned with long-range fallout, ionosphere re-

cordings, Miemgkgrograph, and electromagnetic studies.

Inasmuch as the DOD system for planning support for overseas nuclear

test) requires that needs be estimated long before the shot schedule is in
anyjway firm, preliminary estimates of requirements must be based to a

degree on the preceding operation; as expected, they change substantially as

planning progresses._

Table 3.2 lists the initial estimates of military support items required,

those actually supplied, and the purpose for which they were used, except
for motor vehicles, which are discussed in a separate section.

Training and Rehearsals.

Training and rehearsals for Hardtack began

in the UnitedStates and continued overseas throughout the operational period.

The training programs were designed to meet Task Group scientific, operational, technical, and safety requirements and, insofar as possible, to allow
rotation of individuals without jeopardizing the programs.
In order to make the maximum use of project Rad-Safe monitors, approximately 250 were trained at the EPG. Training courses were conducted

at Parry, Eniwetok, and Enyu Islands beginning March 17, 1958.
were either 4 days or 1 day in duration.



The training period lasted for 9

Four chemical laboratory technicians were trained in basic radio-

chemistry techniques at LASL. Seven instrument repair technicians were
trained at the U.S, Naval Schools Command, Treasure Island, and at LASL.
In addition, 39 men participated in the Rad-Safe program at NTS during

Operation Plumbbob on a training basis.

Other training was provided by the

U.S. Army First Radiological Safety Support Unit in the normal unit training


In preparation for Hardtack, there were several firings of Redstone

missiles at Cape Canaveral beginning in the summer of 1957.

Practice launchings of the Yucca type balloon from the ground were
conducted at Eniwetok during July 1957. When these proved unsuccessful

because of the surface wind velocities normally experienced at Eniwetok,

practice launchings were made from the USS Boxer off San Diego from Sep-

tember 9 to 11, 1957.

With the Boxer steaming down wind at the surface

wind speed, launchings were consistently successful and this was the method
used during Hardtack. There were 11 rehearsal launchings of the Yucca type
balloon from the Boxer at the EPG, including one with a dummy weapon and
high explosive, before the Yucca shot.
During the period from November 9 to 16, 1957, the USS Grasp (ARS~24)

conducted two positioning tests for underwater devices off Oahu, T.H., in

preparation for, and as feasibility studies of her Hardtack mission.

Associated with the Teak and Orange missiles were pods, some of

which had to be located and recovered from the ocean after the shots. In
addition, there were several rocket programs, including sampling rockets,
which required postshot location and recovery of noge cones and other parts.
Preliminary location and recovery testa were held at Salton Sea, Calif., on
December 6 and 7, 1957, and off Point Mugu, Calif., between January 20 and

23, 1958.

A full scale Task Force rehearsal of the Teak event, to include token
evacuation of the Bikini Atoll, was canceled when Teak was moved to
Johnston Island. The Commander, Joint Task Force Seven, then decided to
hold a full scale rehearsal of the Fir event, to include those parts of Poplar
and Sycamore which required virtually complete evacuation of Bikini. The

Select target paragraph3