
there is increased utilization of Bikini Island,


projected doses can be estimated by applying the finding that the
respective Bikini doses would be about eight times the doses for
Eneu residence shown above

(maximum annual and 30-year doses), 16

If return to Eneu and Bikini is delayed, the above dose estimates
would be reduced by a factor of two for every 30-year period the
return is delayed.

This is due to the fact that the radioactivity

of the two radionuclides

(cesium-137 and strontium-90)

that contribute

most to whole body and bone marrow doses, decays in the environment
with an effective half-time of 30 years.

Attachments 5 and 6 present estimates of the maximum annual
whole body and bone marrow doses for the average population if,
starting with 1979 as the zero time, a return to live on Eneu
Island (the six lower curves) or on Bikini Island (the two highest
curves) is delayed.

Attachments 7? and 8 present similar information

for the individuals receiving the highest doses.

Attachment 9 shows

the predictions for 30-year doses.

The predicted maximum annual whole body and bone marrow doses

for the average Eneu Island population in Attachments 5 and 6 can be
compared with the 170 mrem/yr federal guidance.

If a monitoring program

l6The basis for this estimate is that the concentrations of radionuclides in the soil and in coconuts on Bikini are about eight times

greater than those on Eneu.

Select target paragraph3