It is expected that some individuals on neu Island will receive
doses higher or lower than the predicted average dose.


This may result

eating a larger or smaller quantity of food than that shown

in the assumed diet, 2) eating more or less of certain foods containing
the highest radioactivity levels, and 3) eating foods grown from areas
on the island having soil concentrations higher or lower than the

In this regard it should be noted also that the former

" ..Federal Radiation Council suggests the use of the arbitrary
assumption that the majority of individuals do not vary from the
average by a factor greater than three."

This factor of three is

used in establishing and distinguishing between guidance for the
maximum annual dose to the average individual within that population
and guidance for the potentially highly exposed individual within that

Radiation Protection Guides for the U.S. were approved by the
President and are used by federal agencies in their radiation protection

These guides specify the radiation dose that should not

4Report No. 1, Background Material for the Development of Radiation
Protection Standards, Staff Report of the Federal Radiation Council,
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, May 13, 1960, pe. 27.
5The "maximum annual dose" refers to the dose in that year in which the
exposure of the average individual is greatest, taking into account the
buildup and the removal and decay of

radionuclides in the body.


majority of the highly exposed individuals within this population are
assumed not to receive an


annual exposure more than a factor of


Select target paragraph3