James L.




pitty me &


LLL has proposed, conceptually, an air sampling program which,
ideally, would start very soon (before cleanup mobilization) and

extend well into the cleanup. The data of the early months should
indicate whether a program extending throughout the cleanup would
be justified. A very ''ball-park'' estimate for such a program is
$300K. Since we are unaware of any action on the above-cited
Recommendation No.


and since funds for it are not available

in either NV's or LLL's financial plan, we seek your guidance in
this matter.
A related matter gives me even more immediate concern. That is
the apparent disparity between this proposed Enewetak effort and the
much more limited effort we have made to understand resuspension
at Bikini. We have to date but limited knowledge of Bikini alr mass
loading and virtually no data on seasonal variations, Yet at Bikini
we have by now on the or
cf 100 full time residéiits and anothers
50 due shortly. The recent indication of apparently elevated Pu level
in Bikini urine samples should lend even more urgency to our efforts
to investigate this question.
A long-term air sampling program at Bikini would be difficult to
mount and support, but given the requisite resources it can be done.
For logistic reasons the cost per sampler will be higher than costs
at Enewetak. However, in view of other life style restrictions on
the Bikinians, a geographically more modest program may suffice
for the time being. Again, because no funds are available at NV for
Bikini resuspension studies, your guidance is requested.

Mahlon E.


gummy 50) 1807


Select target paragraph3