Boplyeles Bran
\atPellowalding.(padiokoehcel?geecios): "Theprograsa



txwradiologicali physicsiwas«giventto Oak:‘RidgelInetitute: {pe is
‘Nuclear’ Studies: for: administration.3Ani@ad-hoc!:committee: consisting

Walter D. Claus (AEC), Dr. Elda E. Anderson(ORINS),;~Dr.. Russell ‘Popr:~
(ORINS), Dr. Newton Underwood (Vanderbilt), Dr. Henry Blair (Roches
and Dr.-J~ Newell: Stannard (Rochester) selected LO persons for fe

awards and their alternates. The program:-will train 2Opersons at
Rochester University and Brookhaven National Laboratory and 20 at Wender—
biit Waiversity and
Oak Ridge National» Laboratory.

radioactive contaminants from water. for public consumption.
A draft paper has ‘been prepared reviewing the physical‘and psychological-dangers of:a possible break in White Qak: Dam in case of a

flash flood in that area and was sent to the Manager, Oak Ridge Orfe
Office, for concurrence. The draft. includes proposed recommendati


suggesting that the White Oak Dam at Oak Ridge be reconstructedard strength-

ened to the extent that the possibility of dam failure may be reas
eliminated for:“anyforeseeable flood conditions.

IdahoState Collegeat Pocatello and. the U.S; Fish and Midlife

will probably assist in obtaining biological::samples for analysia. Plans
ere being pushed for sampling and analysis of air, “soll, and water.
Civil Defense: Liaison Branch
Radiological monitoring. “Three of the five courses in rar ological
‘completing the instruction. At Brookhaven National Laboratory 19
trainees completed the course representing the States of Maine,


Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Islend, New. York, New

Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and the Territory
‘Rico. Twelve students successfully completed the course at UCLA

the course, representing Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Louisif
Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Dakota, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Present indicatd
that a total of 37 states, plus the District of Columbia, Alasks
and Puerto Rico, will have participated in these training programs.
Medical aspects of atomic warfare.

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The one-week instruc

Select target paragraph3