Scientific Information (Item 3)

The Committee discussed the report by the Panel on Scientific

Information. Some members of the Committee expressed concern
that the report did not adequately reflect the problem of production
of scientific information and was too heavily oriented toward the
librarian point of view.
Meeting with the President (Item 4)
The Committee discussed a plan for its meeting with the President
on June 18th; including the subjects of science and leadership, the
progress in preparing for talks on the cessation of nuclear testing
and the need for a follow-up plan based on the results of these talks,
clean weapons, and science organization.
Basic Research


The Committee agreed on the need for a statement on neglected
fields for basic scientific research and the need for increased
attention and support for these areas of research. Dr. Berkner
urged that the NAS be asked to look into the question of interdisciplinary fields and the need for their support. It was agreed to

address a letter to the NAS asking it to proceed with a program of
study of research areas needing attention and support.


The Committee agreed to discuss the problem of science education
in detail at its July meeting.

Project 137 (Item 6)
Professors Wheeler, Morgenstern and Wigner presented plans for
their summer study~-new applications of science to military needs.
No action was taken.

Dr. John Williams (AEC) reviewed the present status and funding
for high energy accelerators and asked for advice on how to bring
about the formulation of national policy that would permit decision
on the construction of new large high energy accelerators.



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High Energy Accelerators


Select target paragraph3