Isolation of Resistant Organisms.
The study of complexation of trace
metals in soils is extremely difficult due to the complexity of the soil
system (Keeney and Wildung, 1976).
In fact, although much information is
available regarding organic ligands in soil (previous section), an organometal complex has never been isolated intact from soils.
A logical
approach to the study of microbial transformations of the transuranic
elements is to isolate, from soil, resistant organisma most likely to
alter transuranic form, study the transformation tn vitro and validate the
results in the soil system using techniques specifically tailored to
metabolites identified from the simpler in vitro systems.
Application of enrichment techniques to the isolation of Pu resistant
fungi, which have been demonstrated (previous section) to be the most
resistant class of microorganisms, and actinomycetes from soil using
Starch as a C-source (Schnefderman et al., 1975) resulted in the isolation
of 14 fungal cultures and 13 cultures of actinomycetes distinct in colonial
morphology. Of these, 7 of the actinomycetes and 5 of the fungal isolates
were capable of growth at 100 ug/ml Pu as the soluble DTPA complex. There
appeared to be a succession of actinomycetes types in the soil during
incubation as indicated by the different colony morphologies obtained from
enrichmenta after 4 and 25 days incubation. Although thia phenomenon may

have resulted from changes in the eoil arising from the production of

metabolites or chemical degradation products, it may alao have resulted
from a responee to the presence of Pu. Only one actinomycete isolate waa
found which was common to enrichments from both incubation periods and
this organism was present at all Pu concentrations in the media.
contrast, the fungal isolatee exhibited 6 common morphological types
regardiess of incubation period.

Subsequent enrichment atudies (Pelroy, 1976; persona) communication) have
resulted in the isolation of 30 distinct cultures of bacteria from soil.

Of these 11 were resistant to Pu at concentrations as high as 100 jig/ml.
These studies aleo indicated that C source as well as soil Pu concentration
will play a role in determining the types and numbers of Pu resistant
microorganisms present in soil, providing presumptive evidence that microbial metabolites, which will differ with C source, may play a role in Pu
This subject will be discussed in the next section. The
presence of Pu resistant organisms is apparently related to factors that
tay be expected to vary with soil type and environmental conditions,
Again, similar studies have not been conducted with other transuranic
Microbial Transformations
As previously discussed, there are several means whereby microorganisms
May transform trace metals in soil.
These may be generalized to (1) direct
mechanisms euch as alteration in valence state or alkylation (2) indirect
mechanisms such as interactions with normal metabolites or microbial
alterations of the physicochemical environment and (3) cycling mechanisms
such as uptake during cell growth and release on ceil decomposition.
the latter case, any combination of indirect and direct methods of alteration may be operational. Although there have been no studies conducted to

date which would allow the unequivocal separation of these mechanisms,
studies have been conducted which demonstrate the alteration of Pu form
in vitro by soil microorganisms and provide evidence for both direct and
indirect transformation of Pu.
Direct Transformations.
The potential for direct transformation of the
transuranic elements through alteration of valence state or alkylation is
difficult to assess.
Although, as previously discussed, the transuranics
have the potential for existing in aqueous solution in several valence
states, information is not available to assess the role of soil microflora
in direct alteration of valence. More information is available regarding
the mechanism of metal alkylation.
Alkylation of metals involving the alkyl donor methyl cobalamine and other
alkyl cobalamines has been clearly demonstrated for Hg, As, and Pt (Wood
et al., 1968; McBride and Wolfe, 1971; Taylor and Hanna, 1977).
methyl derivative of Hg may be present in significant quantities in soils
(Beckert et al., 1974). Wood (1974) suggested that methylated derivates
of Hg and As are important in governing their behavior in the environment. McBride (1977) also suggested that these reactions occur abiotically.
The process of biochemical methylation of metals may be described as an
overlap between the chemistry of methyl cobalamine (an intermediate in
methane synthesis by anaerobic bacteria and methionine synthesis in aerobic
bacteria) and the chemistry of the metals. In the case of the transuranics,
particularly Pu, it is the complexity of the aqueous chemistry that has
limited research into alkylation phenomena.
It ta unknown whether an ionic species of Pu is capable of reacting in vitro
with an alkyl cobalamine. Further, if a mechanism for biological alkylation
of Pu, similar to the Hg, As, Pt alkylation reaction did exist, it would
be of importance in influencing environmental behavior only if the alkylated
molecule exhibited stability (Wood, 1974), i.e., a half-life in soils and
sediments of hours rather than seconds.
Considering the coordination
chemistry of the actinides, Marks (1976) noted that U- and Th-C linkages
are formed in organic solvents and the complexes are relatively stable
thermally though highly sensitive to oxygen. Meaningful microbial
studies await the development of an understanding of the chemical speciation
of transuranics in aqueous solutions at environmental concentration levels.
Indirect Transformations.
The potential for indirect transformation of
the transuranic elements may be greater than for direct transformation.
The potential for Pu interaction with microbial celle and metabolites has
been demonstrated and many of the other transuranics form stable complexes
with known microbial metabolites.

Beckert and Au (1976) demonstrated the uptake of 7°*Pu, applied initially
to malt agar in nitrate, citrate and dioxide forms, by a common soil

fungus, Aspergillus niger.

Using a specialized spore collection method,

the Pu was shown te be present in the fruiting bodies. Subsequent washing
to remove external contamination indicated that the major portion of the

239py was incorporated into the spores.

Similar results were obtained in

preliminary studies with U, Th, and Po in mine tailings.


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