was present.
Iron oxides are known to occur as cementing materials and partial
coatings on the surface of the clay micelles and as discrete oxide particles
(Carroll, 1958; Mehra and Jackson, 1960; Jenne, 1968; Anderson and Jenne,


After Treatment IL

Treatment V significantly increased the ?*!Am extractability relative to that


by treatment IV in the acidic pH range below pH = 7.7.
Above pH 7.7, the
extractability was low as treatments LII and IV.
The former effect indicates
that the partial removal of free silica and alumina, amorphous alumino-silicates,
and residual organic matter had some effect.
As to which of these materials

After treatment III, the 24. am extractability decrgased at a rapid rate between
pH 0.65 to pH = 4 and then at a slower rate to pH = 6.5,
Above pH 6.5, ita
extractability remained very low (0.01 to 0.09% of dose).
Its extractability
after treatments IV and V varied to some extent relative to that after treatment I11, but they generally paralleled each other.
The low extractability of
24lam in the alkaline range indicated again that its extraction before the
removal of organic matter was due to the extraction of alkali-soluble organic



HNO3-NaOH System.
The effects of the HNO3-NaOH system on the extractability
Am are shown in Fig. 2.
The 241am extractability for the control and
the soil after treatments I and IE were not appreciably different.
In general,
the,extractability of *4lam decreased at a very rapid rate between pH 0.65 to
pH = 2.2 and then at a slower rate between pH 2.2 to pH = 3.5.
Above pH 3654
its extractability remained low to pH = 7.5, increased between pH 7.5 to pH =
12.3, and decreased above pH 12.3.
The decrease of its extractability at
about pH 12,3 suggests a change of state of the tracer, organic complexing
system, and/or the sorption complex.
The precise nature of this change is at
present not known.

The results showed again that 2"!am extractability from the inorganic





HCI sol, OM, salts
OM, Mn oxides
Fe oxides
Silica, Alum.

Amorph alum-sil
residual OM


Dose (cpm).


28, 650 + 963

Before Treatment II


fraction of the soil was very low under alkaline condition.
On the acidic
side of the pt range, the removal of organic matter increased appreciably the
extractability of “Am, indicating again that 2am was strongly associated
with soil organic matter under acidic condition.
Also, below pH 4, 24]am was
readily exchanged by H ions from the inorganic fraction of the soil.

CH3COGH-NH,OH vs HNO3-NaOH Systems.
Fig. 3 shows the relative effect of the
two extracting systems used.
The HNO3-NaOH system is a strong acid-strong
base system that is much less complexing compared to the CH ,COOH-NH,OH
An overview of the figure shows immediately that wider pH range was
covered by the HNO3-NaOH system.
S8efore the removal of organic matter, the
CH;COOH-NH,OH system extracted more 24lam chan the HNG3-NaOH system on the
acidic side roughly to pH 7 and vice versa above pH 7. The greater 24 1am
extraction by the CH3COOH-NH,OH system in the acidic range point to the wellknown fact that complexing action ig an important factor in the extractability

o——- ©


played the dominant role was not determined, but in view of the marked influence
of organic matter, the partial removal of the residual organic matter must
certainly have had some influence.
The residual organic C was reduced from
0.43% to 0.28% (Table 1).
There was also a reduction of the cation exchange
capacity from 17.98 me/100 g to 14.99 me/100 ge.


x————~-x — H90 sol. OM, salts


Fig. 2.

Effect of pH on the extractability of ?"1am from contaminated
Aiken clay loam chemically treated to remove varfous components
(HNO3-NaOH System)


Select target paragraph3