Information relative to comparisons of methods for sampling of soils would be
A statistical treatment of data indicating the applicability of
sampling methods for various matrices or forms of a matrix could serve as a
guide in the development of sampling programs.
However, of the applicable
literature reviewed, in only one case was there a reference to a comparison of
methods for sampling, and in that case no data wete presented. The importance
of the sampling methods has not received due consideration:
in fact, not only
data but also methods of sampling are open to legal scrutiny.

Aarkrog, A., and J, Lippert.
“Environmental Radioactivity in
Denmark in 1973." Danish Atomic Energy Commission, Rist Research Establishment.


Aarkrog, A., and J. Lippert.
"Environmental Radioactivity in
Denmark in 1974." Danish Atomic Energy Commission, Ris& Research Establishment, RISO-323.

A comparison of sampling methods 1s complicated by factors other than those
associated with matrix and/or technique.
Sample preparation, aliquoting, and
analysis all contribute various levels of variability to the final result and
must be sorted out in comparing sampling methods. Ome way to evaluate the
variability at each step is to prepare and analyze a number of replicates; the
number of replicates would depend on the degree of precision needed to make
the evaluations. Analyses are expensive; hence, a number of replications on a
large number of samples necessary to test sampling methods becomes cost prohibitive.
Such factors as the particle problem and low radioactivitiles introduce
large errors which, in turn, pose questions relating to interpretarion of
apparent differences in sampling methods.
The specific difference necessary
to conclude that sampling methods produce the same or different results is
thus dependent on the variables associated with matrix and sampling, preparation,
aliquoting, and analyses. With present state of the art, it follows that only
large differences among sampling methods can be interpreted as such and that
small differences should not be considered as absolute.

Alexander, L. T., E. P. Hardy, Jr., and H. L. Hollister,


Caldecott and L. A. Snyder (Fds.).
Minnesota, 1959, pp. 3-22.

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,

Bernhardt, D. E.
“Evaluation of Sample Collection and Analysis
Techniques for Environmental Plutonium." U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Las Vegas, Nevada. ORP/LV-76—5.
Carrigan, P. H., Jr., and R. J. Pickering.
"Radioactive Materials
in Bottom Sediments of Clinch River:
Part B, Inventory and Vertical

Distribution of Radlonuciides in Undisturbed Cores."

Oak Ridge National

ORNL-3721 Suppl. 2B.

Cline, M. G.


"Principles of Soil Sampling."

Sotl Sei., 53(4):275-288.

Eberline Instrument Corporation, Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Radiation Monitoring for Project Wagon Wheel, 1971-1973.""
Fillinger, G. A.

The literature for sampling of transuranic nuclides in terrestrial environments
Although many reports are available on various aspects of
was reviewed.
transuranics in the environment, very Little ts said about specific sampling
methods and the adequacy of sampling procedures to fulfill a specified or
implied mission.
In most cases, the mission was not discussed,
Two general methods are used for soil sampling: one is based on coring and
the other is based on use of a template.
Secause of the potential for smearing
associated with coring, resulting in cross-contamination, the coring method
appears to be applicable only where total radioactivity to a defined depth is
to be determined.
Coring may not be applicable to sampling for vertical
distributions of transuranic nuclides in soils unless precautions are taken to
prevent cross-contaminat ion.



Prog. Am. Soe. Hort. Set.



"Sampling Orchard Soils for Nitrate Determination."


Fix, J. J.
1975. “Environmental Status of the Hanford Reservation for
Calendar Year 1974." Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland,





Fowler, E. B., J. R. Buchholz, C. W. Christenson, W, H. Adams, E. R.
Rodriquez, M. Celma, E. Ivanso, and C. A. Ramis.
“Soils and
Plants as indicators of the Effectiveness of a Gross Decontamination

Comparisons of sampling procedures for transuranic nuclides in terrestrial
environments were not found. At present there is no assurance that cross—
contamination or other problems with the sampling methods used did not exist.
The presence of radionuclides in the environment has become a sensitive issue.
Each worker in the field should assure that the sampling procedure used is
that which will result in interpretive data consistent with a well-defined
mission. Sampling procedures should be detailed or referenced.


isotopes in Soils: Particularly With Reference to Strontium-90." In:
Proceedings of a Sympoaetwn on Radtotsotopes in the Biosphere. R. 5.


Radiological Proteetion of the Public in a Nuclear Mass

Interlaken, Switzerland, May 26 to June 1, 1968.

pp. 456-459,

Fowler, E. B., R. 0. Gilbert, and E. H. Essington.
"Sampling of
Soils for Radioactivity:
Philosophy Experience and Results." In;

Atmosphere-Surface Exchange of Particulate and Gaseous Pollutants.
Symposium series 38, CONF-740921.


Hardy, E. P., Jz.


Through Sept. 1, 1974."
Laboratory. HASL-286.

pp. 709-727.


"Fallout Quarterly Summary Report, June 1, 1974

U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Health and Safety


Select target paragraph3