
Related to the problems of sampiing in the field are the problems of subsampling
in the laboratory. The sample presented to the analyst must be of an acceptable
configuration, which implies subsampling of a large mass--often kilograms of
Subsampling and sample preparation are interdependent to the extent
that they must be discussed as an entity.
Cline (1944) discussed subsampling of soil masses and stated that the mixture
must be reduced in size and subsampled in such a way that a single analysis
will produce an unbiased estimate of the mean of the entire sample, He stated
further that the accuracy with which a subsample can be drawn depends on its
size and degree of heterogeneity.
Harley (1972) discussed sample preparation
and subsampling of soi] masses for the determination of plutonium in global
The method employed crushing, grinding, and sieving to obtain a mass
acceptable for subsampling. However, as pointed out earlier, global fallout
is relatively homegeneous in particle size and distribution and is not subject
to the vagaries encountered in the accidental or operational releases.
preparation and subsampling techniques outlined by Harley may not be adequate
for samples representing accidental ot operational releases.
The radionuclide
distribution may be heterogeneous and contain particles of a wide range of
sizes. The particles are difficult to reduce to a size which can be uniformly

distributed throughout the sample.

As with sampling, much work remains to be done on subsampling.
It is probable
that multiple subsampling and multiple analyses are the only techniques available
at the present time to adequately define the radionuclide content in the


The importance of careful sampling techniques appears to have been given an
unjustiffably iow priority in the reviewed literature.
Much of the literature
on sampling related to sampling for fission products with only a few references
directed toward transuranics and uranium.
Evaluation of individual sampling
methods or the comparison of methods for sampling of soils for transuranics
could not be accomplished since detailed procedures and results often were not
In many cases, the only sampling information given was:
“samples were

obtained" or "samples were taken."

All too often, sampling is conducted with insufficient attention to the means
by which the objectives are to be met.
Proper specification of (1) the intrinsic
variability of the medium to be sampled; (2) thé number of replicates necessary
to provide defensible results; (3) the choice of procedure needed to minimize
cross-contamination; and (4) the cost of sampling, sample preparation, and
analysis must be defined by the mission in terms of the objective to be fulfilled.


In some cases, data obtained for one mission--more often for an objective with
an undefined mission--have been used by other workers in the field to support
conclusions related to an entirely different mission.
Such a practice may
lead to erroneous or unsupportable conclusions.
Sampling of soils with a coring tool has been quite popular.
<A problem associated
with almost all coring devices is that of smearing, which introduces a variable
not easily controlled, particularly when sampling large differences in radicnuclide concentration within the soil profile.
The coring tool may be used
for determination of total radioactivity content from the surface to some
predefined total depth.
An example of the smearing problem (Table 1) was
reported by Fowler e¢ al. (1968). Soil cores were collected at the Palomares,
Spain, site from an untilled hillside plot in the pathway of local fallout,
about 200 m from the point of impact of a nuclear device.
The area had received
about 5 cm rainfall per year.
Five months had elapsed between the event and
The 3.7 fold increaSe from the 5.0- to 15-cm depth to the 15- to
25-cm depth is explained as contamination of the core, probably by particulate
plutonium dragged from the surface into deeper soil fractions by the coring
tool. Transuranic concentrations in soils are generally low, but their distribution in space may have a range of several orders of magnitude and cross-contamination is a problem which must be addressed.
Accidentally- or operationally-released radionuclides may be distributed
heterogeneously, not only on a areal basis, but also as a wide range of particle
diameters and types.
Those particular types of heterogeniety have been observed
at several locations.
Sampling of the heterogeneous distributions of particles
requires special care that all particle sizes are adequately represented in
the samples. An example of a heterogeneous distribution of highly radioactive
particles ts shown in Fig. 1.
The autoradiograph was prepared from soil
obtained from an area near the point of impact of one of the nuclear devices
at Palomares, Spain. The wide range of particle diameters and agsoctated
radioactivities is suggested.
If one assumes a single spherical particle of
PuQg 0.6 um-diam, the resultant radioactivity amounts to about 0.2 dis/min/particle; an 18 ym-diam particle will produce about 4700 dis/min/particle.

In the case of a sample from an area receiving accidentally- or operationallyreleased radionuclides, the heterogeneous distribution of radioactive particles
Fowler et
of varied sizes poses serious problems associated with subsampling.
al. (1968) discussed subsampling and the variability in observed radioactivity
Seven one-gram
due to a heterogeneous radioactive particle distribution.
aliquots were taken from a single sample; the radioactivity of dry soil corrected
There is no
for background ranged from zero to 778 dis/min/p (Table 2).
technique that will effectively reduce Pu02 particles of the typical sizes
ebserved by Fowler to a population of subparticles that can be uniformly
Faced with such a dilemma, the researcher
distributed throughout the sample mass.
In the NAEG program, ball-milling, sieving,
turns to replicate subsampling.
Analytical data from different
and replicate analyses have been employed.
laboratories on subsamples centaining radioactive particles often vary by
factors of 2-3.


Select target paragraph3