E. B. Fowler and-E. H. Essington
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico


A review of the literature pertinent to the sampling of soils for radionuc]ides
is presented; emphasis is placed on transuranic nuclides.
Sampling of soils
is discussed relative to systems of heterogeneous distributions and varled
particle sizes encountered In certain envirorments.
Sampling methods that
have been used for two different sources of contamination, global fallout, and
accidental or operational releases, are included.


An accurate assessment of the amount and distribution of transuranic nuclides
in soils is necessary for the evaluation of environmental contamination resulting from accidental or operational releases and for establishment of baseline
or background levels. One difficulty in sampling of soils for transuranic
nuclides fe the generally hetercgeneous distribution of radionuclides, which
can result in a high potential for cross-contarination during sampling.
heterogeneity results from the tendency for mest tranSuranic nuclides to form
or associate with particles, rrom the multiplicity of sources, and from the
variable nature of the soil.
No one sampling procedure his Leen found that
will provide a representative sample and adequately address all of the problems
inherent in sampling of soils for transurantics.
This report reviews the literature pertaining to sampling methods used for
estimating transuranic nuclide content of sofis.
Comparisons of sampling
procedures or techniques are made when information is available.
Some of the
unique problems associated with sampling are discussed.


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