Dr. John C. Bugher


Karl M, Wilbur

Teor MBN

kagust 29, 1952


I thougit yeu would be interested te know what steps vere being
teken by the Biology Branch following your suggestion that a
permanent biclogy program be planned whieh would inelude the
wtilisation of the Japtan installations,
Preparatory to the formation of a progran it hes seemed wise
te make inycirles concerninr the interest of bBiclogists in carry~
ing cut atudies in that ersa, In order that we might have orinions
from organizations sponsoring work in the Pecifie, I heve had
informal diseuesions with Dr, Sidmey Galler of the Biology Branch

of OMR and with Mr, Harald Coalidge, exeeutive direetor of the

Pasifie Seienee Board,

Dr. Galler pointed out the need for fundemental studies in merins

biology and expressed consideradle interest fn an AfC pregra: vhich
might provide impetus ant encouragement in this direction, OBR
has set ur an advisory camittee on hydrobiology te consider research
programs in this general field. ‘Dr. Gallar has offered the services
of this committee if the need should arise. He has also furnished



a list of persona in Pacific Coast laboratories who are carrying out
research in marine biology.

Mr, Coolidge vas also enthusiastic abdcut the possibility of making

available laboratory facilities for biologists working in the Paeifie
and felt confident thet a ecneiderable number of investigators vould
wish to make use of them, The Pasifie Researeh Board vas organired

in 1946 by the Betional Research Couneil for the purpose of coordinat—
ing and sponsoring work in several research fields including

oceanography, marine biology, and plant sciences and in providing


information and administrative assistance to government agencies and
other organisations carrying out research in the Pasifie. Mr.
Coolidge has expressed a willingness to cooperate in any way posaible
Their eomnittee on marine biology will meet at the Seripps Institute
in October and a representstive of this division vill be invited to

attend and will be veleome to disouss any matters whieh he night wish



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