A more reasonable option is to integrate the operations required for

PL 96-205 with DOE programs in the Marshalls currently utilizing the DOE
supported vessel.

As part of the on-going DOE effort, approximately 20%

additional ship time support would be required during regular scheduled
research cruises to Bikini on an annual basis.

Two to three weeks of

additional ship support would be necessary at Utirik and Rongelap every few

These periods of time could be accomodated with some rearrangements

and modifications in the current schedule.
indicated for ship support.

In the appendices two costs are

In both cases it must be recognized that the

costs are highly dependent on usage of the vessel; any modifications in the
frequency of sampling required and non-predictable factor such as weather and
equipment failure.

One cost assumes an independent vessel is devoted entirely

to work under this program.

The second is the estimated shiptime cost for

this program if the effort were implemented in conjunction with on-going

" programs.
If additional Atolls are included in this monitoring program it is
probable that the present support capabilities of the current research vesse]
could be exceeded.

An additional vessel] might be required to support the

additional effort at other Atolls.

This support is indicated as a separate

item in Appendix B - Table 1 which outlines the estimated 198] annual costs if
other Atolls are included with this plan.


Select target paragraph3