
Research Requirements

Most research efforts wil] be conducted at one of the 4 specified
atolls (i.e. Enewetak, Bikini, Rongelap and Utirik).

However, verification of

some experiments may be in order and others may be required as a result of

some of the monitoring at other atolls.

Examples might be the transuranic

concentrations observed in fish (see section 5 c.4), a different concentration

“ratio for different species of coconut or Pandanus, or vastly different
radionuclide transport or cycling than observed at other atolls.
For planning purposes it might be prudent to assume an additional

$100k per year for environmental research required at other atolls.


Dose Assessment

Dose assessment at other atolls can be considered in two broad


Predictive dose assessment and risk analysis as

described in

sections 5B and 5D, and


Personnel monitoring - whole body counting and urine bioassay as
described in section 5D.

Both will be essential parts of a complete assessment of other atolls.


Select target paragraph3