_ACHMENT Questions Concerning Health Care/Monitoring of People and Land in the Marshalls During the Post-Trusteeship Period 1. What is the current (FY 1979) U.S.G. program for monitoring people and land in the Northern Marshalls? a. Costs b. c. d. Personnel (man years) Extent of Monitoring {number of people, islands, and acres) Period of Monitoring (quarterly, annual, biannual, etc.) e. Description of the Monitoring: -te What is done? (criteria/procedures) Who does it? (doctors, technicians, paraprofessionals, etc.) How much is or can be done by the Marshallese using U.S.G. funding? -- £. What is the administrative framework for the monitoring in terms of operational decisions, g. Follow-up of identified problems related) -- Who does -- Who funds support, and funding? (radiation or nonradiation- it? it? Using the same items outlined in question 1, what is the proposed annual level of U.S.G. monitoring of people and land during the post-trusteeship period? What is the current (FY 1979) U.S.G. program for health care in the Northern Marshalls related to radiation-related illness or injury? a. Costs b. Cc. Personnel (man years) . Description of the health care provided: oe ~~ * da. —~ —+ What is it? Does it cover nonradiation-related problems? Who does it? How much is or can be done by the Marshallese using U.S.G. funding? Where is it done? How many times per year and how much time is spent per visit, etc? What is the average amount of time that individuals are under health care provided by this program? fee soe perenne ome me wea yay