PPase Mee

Dr, Lauren #, Donaldson « 2.

May 16, 1956

Radiologicel Saspling Progran - te be collected at nenzelep (Kabele,
Lobereli, Rongelap Iglanis) and Allinginse Atolls,

If possible, the sme kind (species) af specimens as taken on the

November ee survey end reported in iWFL-)h3 should be collected.


To be ‘collected over a knem area of surface, Recommend a tate
plate of one foot or Jonzer on a side be placed on the ground, The
total activity per square foot of earth surface can thus be determined
as long es the cepti ef the sample is such that it is equel to or exceeds

any pertolation of radioactive moleotides.

It is recommended that the

sampis be divided inte tw deptha ~ the firet to a dapth of 3 to bh inches,

ami the second to 6 of S inches, Attention should be paid to the miororelief of the terrain, The samples should ta collected at the same sta~
tions cr locstions as those taken on the Cotober~November 1955 (UNFL-l,3)

2, Water
Both fresh cistern andi sea.

3. Flankton

A relstively large sempling ef ccepanuts, plus the other importent
foud plavite,


Soa cucumber, giant clam, cocoanul crab, rock crab, and spiny lobster,


Fish (oemiverous and carniverous)
Nusele, liver, and bone,

7, Birds
Musele, bone, liver, and eggs.

The Sr-$0 data should be reperted in unite of disintegrations per minute

per grea wet weighh of items h, 5, and 5,»

% would be helpful in correlating these data with other information to
have a calcium analysis made of the same samples and reported in units of activity of Fr=90 per gram of esleium « Simshine Units,

Select target paragraph3