

b. The Commander,
authority to act for
conduct of Cperavion
of administration of

operat ’.onal

JTF-3 should be delegated full
the Commission in the operational
GREENHOUSE and the over-all direction
the Eniwetok Proving Ground during


ec. Current dircct responsibilities for the Eniwetoxk
Proving Ground and GHKEENHOUSE would be termporarily withGrawn from the Manager, SFO, except for continuing responsibility for funding the AEC share of maintenance and


d, The Manager, SPO, should be kept informed of action
by Commander, JTF-3 affecting the AEC either financially
or administratively.
ll. That the Atomic Energy


a. Approve the delegation of full authority to the

Commander, JTF-3, to act for the Commission in all matters
pertaining to GREENHOUSE and the Eniwetok Proving Ground
during the overseas period of Operation GREENHOUSE;
b. Approve dispatch of a memorandum such as that in

to tne Commander, JTF-3, through the Department
of Defense, informing him of his designation as Commission
representative, effective February 15, 1951, and outlining

his responsibilities;

e. Approve dispatch of a memorandum such as that in
Appendix “B°
to the Manager, SFO, apprising him of action

in this matter and authorizing him to transfer custody of
fissionable material to the Commander, JTF-3;

d. Note that the effective dates of the delegation of
authority in a above will coincide approximately with the
dates of assumption and relinquishment of command of
Eniwetok Atoll

by Commander,


e. Note that she Commissian recognizes the full responsibility of the
ommandek, JTF-3), for agcisions tin emergency

situations involving disposal or destruction of AEC equipment, including fissionable material;
f. Note that the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy will
be advised of this action by appropriate letter.

Select target paragraph3