-2es ‘Nautilus Cruise.

December 6,.1955. _

Mr. Libby reported on the cruise.

* 3..._ REDWING Press Release.
Mr. Strauss said that the announcement had béen
cleared with the President but that release would be postponed until after the

U.N. General’ Assembly recesses.

Brussels' Reactor.
The Commission requested a report from Westinghouse —
on the design concept of this reactor.


General Counsel's Opinion on MVGC Contract.

the public release of the Opinion.

Mr. Strauss reported on

Mr. Mitchell reported on his conversation with

the M¥GC attorneys and Mr. Rankin of the Department of Justice.

N. ¥. Times Article on Training of Scientists.


Htfect of Presidential Directive on Bilateral Agreements.


Press Release on USSR Test.

briefly discussed this matter.

read Mr. Mitchell's memorandum on this subject.

The Commissioners
Mr. Strauss

Mr. Murray wishes to be informed of the

circumstances surrounding this press release.


Press Story on ANP Program.
You reported that G. E. denies that it
released the statement on flight of the reactor.

FWh rH

_ items of Information
Death at Hanford
McKinney!8é ivities
Reactor Seminar
Civil Service League Awards

—_————a«You may wish to inform the JCAE of item 1.

Chad with Kilefen.

Select target paragraph3