Radiation-Associated Thyroid Carcinoma


The fallout produced several possible sources of
radiation exposure to the thyroid gland in addition to
the gamma radiation.
Iodine isotopes are produced in
relatively high yields by the fission process.
are too short-lived to be of consequence, but iodine
131, 132, 133, and 135 are sufficiently long-lived to
have been present at the time the fallout cloud arrived at the inhabited atolls.
Thyroid lesions were not
expected, on the basis of earlier estimates of thyroid

dose from internal absorption of radioiodines.
In 1964
when thyroid nodules first began to appear, thyroid
doses were re-evaluated by James (7).
Calculations of
the thyroid dosage from radioiodines unfortunately had
to be based on the 1311 content of a single pooled
urine sample from Rongelap people collected at 15 days

post exposure.
The shorter-lived isotopes of iodine
delivered 2 to 3 times the estimated dose delivered by

131I alone.

The importance of these shorter-lived,

more energetic isotopes must be kept in mind in assessing the dose-response relationship for thyroid effects.
The dose to the thyroid of a Rongelap adult, including
gamma dose, was calculated to be about 335 rads (220450 rads)

and to that of a 3-year-old Rongelap child as

700-1400 rads.
The larger doses in the children were
due mainly to the smaller sizes of their thyroids.
thyroid doses in the lesser exposed populations were
extrapolated from those of the Rongelap group on the
basis of the ratio of gamma doses.
Individual children's doses were calculated by using a linear relationship between the estimated thyroid size and regression
lines drawn for the three exposed populations.

Beginning several years after exposure it was noted
that 5 of 19 children exposed at < 10 years of age
showed retardation of growth.
Examinations during this
early period did not reveal any recognizable thyroid
abnormalities, and the protein bound iodine (PBI)
levels in these children as well as in all Marshallese
were in the normal to high normal range.
Two boys

Select target paragraph3